

Influencer kampagne


Raise awareness of Uniqlo's new Hybrid Down Parka, inspired by international snowboarder Ayumu Hirano.

Uniqlo wanted to create credible local content - with a focus on quality and aesthetics.


Through Unique Social, we found three types of men with different backgrounds and diversity in the creative, sports, and fashion. Here they tell through a visually strong universe - Combined video and stills, how the Parka is part of their everyday situations.


The campaign is a co-creation in collaboration with Euroman, which has produced and published the content through advertorials and SoMe channels.

In addition, the three influencers themselves have posted the content on their Instagram channels.


Virgil Nicholas

Frederik Lentz Andersen

Anders Rømer



12 instagram posts

16 instagram stories

Total posts: 28


Total reach: 189,567

Total impressions: 238,989